Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Food Smokers Should We Punish Fat People With A Food Tax Like Smokers With Cigarette Taxes?

Should we punish fat people with a food tax like smokers with cigarette taxes? - food smokers

I think there should be a scaleat food, and if you are overweight, a tax on foods they buy. Watch the fat melt these people really fast.

I see these people who are sick so fat that they need to avoid electric car, and surprise! Receive SSI because of their greed.


Anonymous said...

What an idiot tax.

You pay only $ 100. Then every time you book from a library, you get $ $ 10. If you read one book per month, you receive $ 20 per year.

If you can not afford to read a book a day, go to the library

maxmom said...

You know you should be punished? FDA to allow the corn syrup, fructose, and all other types of waste in 80% of the food they find in the supermarkets.

If people are looking to save money is often worse cheapest food in spa-quality ingredients.

The finalization of what appears to be a healthy meal at home often no better than eating in a fast-food joint.

I get a label, and I am absolutely horrified by the ingredients, what should be a healthy choice.

Mercadie... said...

No cause of non-fat, will be punished. I believe that insurance companies can do more. My insurance company will decide on the different types of human obesity. I do not buy all the excuses why they say they are as big as diseases. Some may be so, but I do not think that most of them.

elmjunbu... said...

You ask a tax on food, then you say that smoking a cigarette taxes. You have no time to think anymore. If food has been imposed, such as smoking, should all the food tax food purchased.
If a non-smoker buying cigarettes for a friend. You pay the taxes. The tax is on the subject, not the user.

Zainab A said...

First, it is discrimination. United States is not Nazi Germany. Seconds do not judge your fucking place, who is taxed and who does not. Thirdly, the people that we give to their families strong and not to their children and spouses must also deserve to be taxed? Think about the people around her who would be affected by this. The children deserve to starve because their parents are overweight? Believe me, this tax would be all around us more than you or I would be overweight. I am sure that not the price that the people around you would be willing to pay.

Which brings me to my second point. They have a term of overweight people, not only imposed by the SSI, and I know that many overweight people, which for the money they have, what we buy food, work, and I think if he wins, it's yours Otherwise no one has any reason to leave. Add the above points I made, and to add more insult to injury. One might expect that it will not last long ... In addition to what his or her right to say what is necessary or not? I always thought itand true must be a stupid tax for people who like you think but not my world, no?

Let me ask you .... is a health problem or his own arrogance, shallow attack leads to overweight people so hard?

Cap'n T said...

Not at all. The idea of taxes for things such as cigarettes, drinks and the food absolutely ridiculous. Taxes on cigarettes should be repealed. Insurance companies should the cost of medical care in an irresponsible manner dictate () due to higher premiums for high-risk individuals such as auto insurance companies.

Cap'n T said...

Not at all. The idea of taxes for things such as cigarettes, drinks and the food absolutely ridiculous. Taxes on cigarettes should be repealed. Insurance companies should the cost of medical care in an irresponsible manner dictate () due to higher premiums for high-risk individuals such as auto insurance companies.

Mordecai Zion said...

Maxmom is correct. I love Maxmom.

Taxes greasy burgers and chicken fat varieties such as cigarettes. The taxation of processed fatty foods and never served in the public school system. No more sugar and fat in school. Warnings must be added to. That's worse than drugs and cigarettes. No more sugar and fat!

charlie in mex said...

I wish could see such a situation to the closure of the likes of Michael Moore lead into force. But there should be a person by person basis scales Aon male and female, and include those who are genetic disorders PDB. But feel life for all people who complain to eat a bucket of chicken in the evening, then, in the smokers among them, are free.

charlie in mex said...

I wish could see such a situation to the closure of the likes of Michael Moore lead into force. But there should be a person by person basis scales Aon male and female, and include those who are genetic disorders PDB. But feel life for all people who complain to eat a bucket of chicken in the evening, then, in the smokers among them, are free.

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