Monday, January 18, 2010

French Tarragon Herbs From Out To Indoors?

Herbs from Out to Indoors? - french tarragon

I'll put my herbs in pots outdoors, (around June rosemary, basil, chives, sage, thyme, tarragon) and I have it in the winter. Not one of my small outbreaks is an increase in the basil leaves lose really and I have not watered down in recent weeks. My French is not as good as tarragon onions. My rosemary is the only one who seems to be decent. Tips or advice?


poobah said...

Most plants are annual, which means that only live for one season. Basil and chive blossom and die. Thyme and tarragon are perennials, but they will die before the next season. The sage and rosemary should be well in pots in the house, but they need good sunlight and irrigation. When the new plant basil and chives seeds in pots in the house, give a good harvest in the winter and also have a very bright window. Sage, rosemary and thyme, dried well, then choose one or other mature leaves and dry them. Tarragon, basil and chives freeze well. Simply select and wash them and make them as dry as possible (in a salad spinner) and store in freezer in a sealed plastic bag. I do it with herbs and dill and parsley.

Sarah said...

The type of soil you can use herbs to grow properly. Please water your plants, then they do not grow as well (especially smaller). I think he will do well at home, as long as they are given plenty of sunshine and an appropriate amount of water.

Sarah said...

The type of soil you can use herbs to grow properly. Please water your plants, then they do not grow as well (especially smaller). I think he will do well at home, as long as they are given plenty of sunshine and an appropriate amount of water.

bonnnti said...

nutients try natural products like egg shells, Lilttle cow manure, and put it in a strong light on

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