Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Body Brilliance Should People Have The Right To Smell Like Garbage, GPC Cigarettes And Body Odor?

Should people have the right to smell like garbage, GPC cigarettes and body odor? - body brilliance

You can not fly like an eagle, IF YOU ARE A peck with the chickens! The winners are; idolize celebrities intelligent, talented and successful, extremely clean ALSO good in all things and healthy. Soon the glory of these people and things will rub off on you and you shine brilliantly!


pinky said...

Yes, there will unfortunately always have the right people, such as garbage, beer, BO, cigarettes, etc., feel

I think the best thing to do, stay away from these people. I mean, if they have enough money to pay for hot soapy water in May have flavor. Furthermore, I do not think I know what kind of financial situation you may

People should not feel that way, but if you can not help it, he has a certain sympathy for them. Therefore, you must treat all with respect, no matter how bad the smell Bitchy or can get it.

I think it amounts to:

You can not judge a book by its cover.

and PS: If you can afford, use deodorant PLEASE!

addicted... said...

I guess you have the right to stink, and I am entitled to as much as possible from them!

addicted... said...

I guess you have the right to stink, and I am entitled to as much as possible from them!

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