Sunday, January 31, 2010

Latin Dance Competition How Long Will It Take To Become A Competitive Latin Dancer?

How long will it take to become a competitive latin dancer? - latin dance competition

I am starting 21 (now 22) and ballroom dancing shortly. I would like to participate in Latin dance, but I wonder how long it will take before I am ready to compete. I know everyone is different, but if I Private lessons 3 to 4 times per week, how long do you think? I like going to the ballroom dance competitions in Latin. Thank you.


ballroom... said...

If you have any experience with dance dance and not some kind of miracle, very talented, which takes about three years, is to classes three times a week and practice one hour per day. Do not take more than three hours. It is better to practice more often, take more classes.

In general, the study of the available land will have time for you to practice, but often your local gym is a floor that can be loaded. I prefer this because you're used to dance in front of strangers.

I want to give a shameless plug for my blog titled "Ballroomblog in
It is a great resource for beginning dancers. See you there!


John de Witt said...

The competitions will be required at all levels are available, so that beginners can compete against other beginners, if. On the other side, in the elite competition will still take some years to complete, provided it can reach everyone. In between are some very good level of dancing, the challenges and rewards that will satisfy almost everyone.

mathidio... said...

2 weeks, if one tries hard enough. I studied with Felipe Polanco Puerto Rico in its intense and ate, breathed and slept Latin for 2 weeks. I became a teacher on the dance floor, and now all my friends call me the Magnificent Dancing chimichanga.

Natalie said...

it takes time, I believe, very hard. I have a friend in the stomach, and it took 2 years to learn. Latin Dance, you must move your body and must have certain tasks very feisty, but it looks good.

Toast. said...

Probably one or two months with the lessons that often, but it would be a rookie, so do not expect much from the first courtyard.

gordy m said...; _ylt = AhkvYUhGF3iE4zEs8X_7Dhvsy6IX; _ylv = 3? qid = 20080727184431AApc898

★stargir... said...

was likely to take some time to learn everything.

The Village Oxymoron said...

Three or four years at least.

carlos r said...

I have a friend who took them 3 years to complete with a personal trainer who learn to depend on wat u want 2 I think

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