Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Monoatomic Gold Wikipedia Have You Taken Monoatomic Gold?

Have you taken monoatomic gold? - monoatomic gold wikipedia

I am what I have heard the interest of monatomic gold, and I want to know about the experiences of people with him.


Freedom USA Fighter said...

Gold ion, what some producers call their non-gold added. Monatomic gold is another name for some companies call their products or ions. Gold ions is a soluble salt in water of gold that dissolves in water. The gold-salt soluble in water to create an ionic solution.

Laboratory testing of products labeled as ionic gold are really determined that the gold chloride also called Chlorauric acid, a salt water gold. Some manufacturers try to avoid the stigma of gold chloride, suggesting that the hydroxide ion Gold is gold. Gold is a salt or hydroxide is insoluble in water, which is the application of scientifically impossible!

Gold chloride is a nerve poison. Definition: A neurotoxin is a toxic substance, agent, or inhibit, damaged or destroyed, the nerve tissue, particularly neurons, cells of the nervous system, the achievement of its central organ.

Gold chloride is known to cause peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is damage to the peripheral nerves, the vast communications network, TRANSmits information through the brain and the spinal cord to every other body part. Among the many causes of peripheral neuropathy are nerve agents such as gold chloride, the most common symptoms are producing weakness, numbness, paresthesia (abnormal sensations such as burning, stinging or tingling) and pain in the arms, hands, legs and / or feet. Many cases are of unknown cause.

Freedom USA Fighter said...

Gold ion, what some producers call their non-gold added. Monatomic gold is another name for some companies call their products or ions. Gold ions is a soluble salt in water of gold that dissolves in water. The gold-salt soluble in water to create an ionic solution.

Laboratory testing of products labeled as ionic gold are really determined that the gold chloride also called Chlorauric acid, a salt water gold. Some manufacturers try to avoid the stigma of gold chloride, suggesting that the hydroxide ion Gold is gold. Gold is a salt or hydroxide is insoluble in water, which is the application of scientifically impossible!

Gold chloride is a nerve poison. Definition: A neurotoxin is a toxic substance, agent, or inhibit, damaged or destroyed, the nerve tissue, particularly neurons, cells of the nervous system, the achievement of its central organ.

Gold chloride is known to cause peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is damage to the peripheral nerves, the vast communications network, TRANSmits information through the brain and the spinal cord to every other body part. Among the many causes of peripheral neuropathy are nerve agents such as gold chloride, the most common symptoms are producing weakness, numbness, paresthesia (abnormal sensations such as burning, stinging or tingling) and pain in the arms, hands, legs and / or feet. Many cases are of unknown cause.

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